PACES Founder Announces Seminar Revealing The Truth How Administrators Present A Facade To Parents While Protecting The School District – But Not Meeting The Needs of Children With Special Needs
Stop their deception, start protecting the needs of the children by becoming empowered with the knowledge needed to demand what is available now.
SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA, February 14, 2015, Martina Sholiton, Founder of PACES, (Parental Advocacy for Children in Exceptional Situations), has announced a special Seminar for parents of Children with Special Needs. It is no secret to these parents that getting full-fledged cooperation from School Boards and Administrative personnel is not an easy task. Even when they think they are getting the programs their child needs, it often turns out to be the opposite. Let’s face it, School Board officials work for the School Board, and part of their job is to protect the interests of the School Boards, and that is over and above the interests of the parents. Sounds harsh, but never the less, it is the truth.
This cold, hard fact is what was behind the forming of PACES, by Martina, who is a seasoned insider of the School Board Bureaucracies. Parents want what is best for their child with special needs, but they must develop a special skill in dealing with those folks who control the programs that are available. Their child may be entitled to certain programs, but may be excluded for reasons that can be erroneous. Martina has been able to reduce all of the technical terms and jargon into clear language that every parent can understand. She is the former Director of Special Education in San Jose Unified School District and Assistant Superintendent in charge of Special Education in Monterey County. Her behind-the-scenes experience reveals how schools sometimes fail to meet their responsibilities to ensure that students receive the additional educational resources to which they are entitled.
Mark the calendar for March 14, 2015. This is the day that Martina Sholiton will present a one-of-a-kind Seminar that will educate Parents of Children with Special Needs to better understand all of the “hocus-pocus” and special acronyms and code-words that are being tossed around to make them believe that their child is getting access to the available programs, when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Attendees will learn how to properly prepare for the IEP, and how to control the meeting so they are in charge. Learn what must be known that they won’t tell you. Stop the delaying tactics employed by the school districts.
The PACES Seminar is entitled: “My Child Has an IEP – How Do I Get What I Need?”. It will be held on March 14, from 9am to 1pm, at 81 Daggett Dr., San Jose, CA 95134. Bring your IEP because 12pm to 1pm will be Q & A only. Registration is available online at:
Martina will be attending a Fair at the Westfield Mall in Silicone Valley on March 7, and is a great opportunity for parents to stop by and say hello and Register for the March 14 Seminar. The Westfield Mall Fair is an open house for all parents to see an elaborate amount of Summer Programs and camps for all children with all types of special talents and needs.
For complete information on PACES programs, please visit: PACES Solutions
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