Home » Business » BlueOkapi.com Launches Video Production Web Portal – English Version – Features Effective Video Production at Cost Effective Rates

Explainer Videos are a recent phenomenon, BlueOkapi.com takes it from proposed storyboard through graphic animations and voice-overs.

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, April 29, 2015, BlueOkapi.com recently announced the launch of their Video Production Web Portal – English version. This is good news for anyone doing business over the Internet. BlueOkapi has already established themselves as a global leader in all kinds of video production services. They are offering a suite of services which includes: Corporate Videos, Retail and Online Merchant Videos, Explainer Videos, Product Videos, Transcription and Translation, Indexing and Editing. Testimonial Videos are much more impactful than text testimonials. It is no secret that the best ranked sites on Google use videos as a major part of their SEO strategy. There have been enough statistics compiled about the effectiveness of videos on customer conversions and retention to warrant their use by all types of online businesses. Those firms who are procrastinating about pursuing the use of videos are losing out on immense marketing value.

BlueOkapi.com is on a mission to make video production affordable to any size business. Who wouldn’t like to have better Google page rankings, the video is the way to go. A company spokesperson made these comments during a recent interview: “We have perfected video production to such an extent that we can offer rates unmatched by our competition. Nothing is left to chance, as we have developed a protocol that results in the highest quality video productions. Firms need to understand that having a good video on YouTube can mean 50x more likely to appear on the first page of Google. Incidentally, did you know that Google now owns YouTube? See the connection?”

BlueOkapi points to the fact that Videos added a new paradigm to online marketing. They “Humanize” a company, putting faces behind the voices, emails or letters. This is the way to make Newsletters more impactful, and the content is retained by viewers for longer time periods. Companies are using videos for internal communications as well as for employee instruction. Videos provide the highest rate of conversions in online selling with conversion rates as high as 85% becoming commonplace. Firms that employ email marketing have realized a click-through rate of 96%, according to an Implix 2010 Email Marketing Trends Survey. The time is now for Video utilization in online commerce and corporate strategies, and BlueOkapi has set themselves apart as the global leader.

For complete information, please visit: BlueOkapi.com

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