Home » Health » “Corrective Chiropractic” of Greenville, North Carolina First Area Chiropractor To Offer The Webster Technique

“The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved.”

Greenville, North Carolina, December 16, 2015, Corrective Chiropractic of Greenville, NC, has announced a double-launch. They are pleased to announce the opening of their new facility and the launch of their new website. Area residents will now have access to advanced Chiropractic Care not available at other chiropractic practices. Under the leadership of Dr. Wickstrom, Corrective Chiropractic is quickly becoming a dominant force in the local healthcare arena. There are two types of Chiropractic Physicians: Corrective and Traditional.

The Traditional Chiropractor attempts to: Increase range of motion, Reduce muscular spasm, and Temporary relieve pain. Dr. Wickstrom is a Corrective Chiropractor, whose focus is on Structural Correction. He looks for problems that may have caused the spine to “shift” from the correct position causing subluxations. Sometimes spinal trauma can cause the space between spinal vertebra to be reduced resulting in a “Bulging Disc”. Instead of treating the symptoms, Dr. Wickstrom will correct the inter-vertebral spacing so that the disc can retract back into its correct position. All this and without any invasive procedures or pharmaceutical drugs.

Those folks searching for a Chiropractor need to know that not all Chiropractors are the same. Some practitioners are not as aggressive in seeking higher accreditations and certifications. Dr. Wickstrom is certified in Charrette Extremity Adjusting Protocols™, Standard Process™ Core Nutritional Principles, Webster Technique (currently the only Chiropractor in Greenville, NC that practices the Webster Technique), while in the process of gaining certification for Chiropractic BioPhysics®.

The Webster Technique is a safe means to restore proper pelvic balance and function. This specific sacral analysis can be used on all people to determine joint dysfunction/sacral subluxation and is therefore applicable for the entire population. The assessment includes heel flexion to buttocks, with restricted flexion indicating the affected joint. Correction is made with a diversified, sacral adjustment. It is used on all patients presenting with this biomechanical restriction. Common symptoms include (but are not limited to) low back pain, sciatic neuralgia, and symptoms associated with sacral subluxation and or joint dysfunction.

Corrective Chiropractic optimizes the innate healing powers that are God given. By keeping the spinal column in correct alignment, the energy flows throughout the body resulting in an increased degree of wellness. Everybody is invited to stop by for a tour of the new practice and say hello to the doctor and his professional staff.

For complete information, please visit: http://www.correctivechironc.com/

Media Contact:

Corrective Chiropractic
Attn: Media Relations
4320 E 10th St., Ste G
Greenville, NC, 27858

Reference: http://icpa4kids.com/about/webster_technique.htm

12-16-2015 9-54-16 PM