Georgia’s Statesboro Police Department Illegally Seizes Spaulding’s Life Savings
Statesboro Police Officials filed an Ex Parte Order to seize money from an American citizen’s bank account without Due Process.
Coleman, Florida, March 14, 2016, Once again we are confronted with a case of the Government trampling on the rights of its citizens. In this case, Asha Kani Spaulding, a Georgia resident at the time of this illegal funds seizure, had the money in her account stolen by the underhanded tactics of the Statesboro Police Department. Det. Sgt. James Winskey, filed an Ex Parte Order on Geo-Vista Credit Union and swiped out the $61,750.71 that was in her account. An Ex Parte Order is a one-sided Order that means the opposing party was not heard or able to defend themselves. Officer Winskey, did not follow the new law “The Georgia Uniform Civil Forfeiture Procedures Act”.
Officer Winskey stated in his notice of claim that he investigated the case working with the IRS, however he admits to doing a one day investigation. This one day investigation was done almost 1 year after Spaulding’s case was closed. Spaulding was not served the “Process of Service” (which is needed to give the court jurisdiction). No lien was ever filed, no complaint from the State of Georgia, was ever filed. Judge John Turner was led to believe the money was proceeds of drug activity. The question is when an officer of the court shows this much blatant disregard for the law for how can he be trusted to serve and protect others? How many times has officer James Winskey, robbed before with his magic tricks, was there a conspiracy?
What is going on here is a violation of Asha’s Constitutional Right of Due Process. Also, the documents filed in the case indicate that they were holding Asha to the same standards of an attorney, another civil rights violation. This is how the government operates. Fox News has been reporting about the Feds seizing funds from small businesses who operate with a lot of cash, and then not giving it back. Small business owners, as well as private citizens like Asha, do not have funds to fight the government.
Fortunately for Asha, she does not stand alone, nor is she the type of person that will take this sitting down. A small cadre of support ( has materialized to help and assist Asha to expose these thieves in the Statesboro Police Department. Just because they are Police Officials does not mean that they are above the law. There are special Federal Statutes available to deal with them, and they have a surprise heading their way. Spaulding will be filing her “Restraining Order/Injunction” and her “Motion to Vacate” the judges unlawful order seizing her life savings.
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Guy Neighbors
Attn: Media Relations
Lawrence, Kansas