Descendants Of K’aayelii, Inc. – Launch Website To Protect The Interests of Bears Ears, Utah’s Original Inhabitants
“From the Voices of Our People and the Blood of Our Ancestors – We Stand United – We Are the K’aayelii Dine’, the Hope of Our Children’s Future.”
Montezuma Creek, Utah, May 11, 2016, Dine’ descendants of Hastii K’aayelii – leader of the thousands of free Dine’ who never surrendered to the U.S. during the American-Indian Wars are the original continued inhabitants and heirs to their sacred lands in and around Bears Ears, Utah. Little has been made public by the national media about how this group of Native Americans have been mistreated throughout the years. History has long revealed a history of deceptive treaty practices between the U.S. Government and the indigenous tribes of North America. The organization’s mission is to build an independently self-sustained productive community. This new website will also become a tool for use in raising funds to accomplish their goals.
Here is a small list of the help they initially need: Cash Donations, Computer & Accessory Donations, Video & Audio Equipment Donations, also other types of Donations accepted, just let them know what is being offered. Donations are tax-deductible. Few people know that in 1933 by an Act of Congress in response to the wishes of the Mormon ranchers, their people were forcibly relocated to an extension added to the Navajo reservation known as the “Aneth Extension.” Since their people never surrendered to the U.S. along with thousands of other Navajo at Fort Sumner, New Mexico in 1864, their people were not openly welcomed as members of the Navajo tribe.
Gilbert Ben, DOK, Inc. President, made these comments during a recent interview: “Our elders have spoken and as their descendants raised in these modern times and ways, it is our duty to honor them by giving them a voice they never had long ago. Our Grandfather, Hastii K’aayelii fought so that we today may live freely in our ancestral homelands in and around Bears Ears. Our relatives are buried there past and present, our sacred ties are deeply rooted within its boundaries. Our people today still rely on its resources, our ceremonies are still held on these lands. Bears Ears is the lifeblood of our culture and holds the key to our future as K’aayelii Dine’ – its true inhabitants and rightful heirs.”
Throughout the years, Treaties were signed by tribal elders without a complete understanding of what they were agreeing to, as they were not well versed in the language, laws, and customs of the federal and state governments. Trust Funds were established for income that was realized from resources on their native lands, but funds were squandered as is usually the case when the government intervenes to take control. Now President Obama is going to attempt a massive land grab for the Federal Government, as they are doing throughout out the U.S.A. He is attempting to designate 1.9 million acres of their homeland as a National Monument, their future generations may never have the chance to succeed and connect with their true birthright and inheritance.
Please join the struggle to help this group of Native Americans that the Federal Government has taken advantage of for so many years.
For complete information, please visit: Dine’ Descendants of Hastii K’aayelii
Media Contact:
Descendants Of K’aayelii, Inc.
Attn: Media Relations
P.O. Box 371
Montezuma Creek, UT 84534
(505) 686-8778