Home » Business » “PRD Press Release Distribution” Rolls Out Several Book Marketing Promotions

“Do Not Be Fooled By The Myth That You Cannot Be A Successful Author Without A Distributor or Agent”

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 29, 2017, Many authors, and would-be authors, think that it is not possible to become a successful author without having to pay out huge commissions to Publishing Houses, Agents and Distributors. Many years ago, this may have been true, but in today’s digital world, anyone can Self-Publish and print minimal quantities of their book on an as-needed basis. This is also called “Vanity Publishing”. Think about it, an author can write a book and print a small amount of copies to use as review copies when requested by independent book store owners. After an order is secured, larger amounts can be printed, and for a lesser cost per book than the smaller quantities.

PRD Press Release Distribution works with many book authors, and noticed that they may be in need of some book marketing services in addition to press release services. During a recent interview, the CEO of PRD Press Release Distribution, made these comments: “I noticed that most authors settle for a spot on Amazon.com where their book becomes lost like a spec of sand on the beach. We came up with a book marketing plan that will place their press release in the hands of decision makers at thousands of independent book stores nationwide.”

He goes on to say: “This is quite significant in that the possibility exists for a new independent author to see their book on book shelves all over the country, and all without a middleman. They can work direct with the owners and increase their profits substantially. For a minimal cost, we will professionally write their press release and email it right to the owner’s desk at each book store.”

The new services include:

* A Professionally Written Press Release with right of revisions
* Submitted To 3000+ Independent USA Book Stores For Only $225.00

Press Releases can drive traffic to your sales page. Don’t expect to make sales if nobody knows about your book. PRD offers a proven press release marketing system designated as the PRD Primo Package, which includes:

* A Professionally Written Press Release with right of revisions
* Guaranteed Published On 400+ News Sites
* Published On Google News
* Posted To 20+ Social Media Sites
* Creates Over 1200 Backlinks
* Google Treats News Sites As Authority Links

For complete information, please visit: http://prdpressreleasedistribution.com/

Media Contact:

PRD Press Release Distribution
Attn: Media Relations
Fort Lauderdale, FL
