A Paradigm Shift In Balancing Female Hormones To Be Revealed at Upcoming Event in McLean, Virginia – “The Estrogen Window” To Be Explained in Detail By Noted Anti-Aging & Hormonal Physicians
Free patient education seminar/fundraiser being presented by McLean Project for the Arts. Featured speakers to include Dr. James A. Simon, MD, CCD, NCMP, IF, FACOG and Dr. Mache Seibel, MD.
McLean, Virginia, November 12, 2016, There are many approaches to balancing female hormones, some induce negative side-effects, and some methods simply fail to alleviate menopausal symptoms. The side effects of a hormonal imbalance in women can be quite devastating both physically and mentally. Modern science has made available some very efficacious treatments. One of the problems has always been the variations in approaches to hormonal balancing due to some physicians not being exposed to the latest therapeutic techniques.
A Free Patient Education Seminar & Book Signing will be held Wed., Nov. 16th, 2016, 6 – 9 pm at 1116 Laurelwood Drive, McLean, VA 22102. Mark the calendar and be witness to a paradigm shift in the treatment of Female Hormonal Balancing and Estrogen Therapy. Two of the world’s leading Menopause (and peri-menopause) experts will elaborate about effective science and the vital importance of balancing female hormones before, during and after “the Change”.
The plain truth is that women suffer needlessly with symptoms such as:
• Hot flashes • Weight gain • Mood Swings
• Dizziness • Headaches • Depression
• Breast tenderness • Loss of Bone Density
• Insomnia • Loss of Libido
Science has proven that there is an “Estrogen Window”, or period of time, that determines the value of beginning Bio-identical / Hormone Replacement Therapy (B/HRT). Some physicians are blessed with the talent and knowledge to achieve the most optimal outcomes including anti-aging, weight loss, improved mood, maintaining bone density and overall wellness. Now, new ultra-low dose formulations can provide relief for breast cancer patients and those testing at a higher risk for estrogen receptive cancers.
Featured speakers include:
• Dr. James A. Simon, MD, CCD, NCMP, IF, FACOG: Past-President of the North American Menopause Society, GW Medical School. Professor, and Women’s Health Researcher
• Dr. Mache Seibel, MD: Harvard Physician and Author, “The Estrogen Window” and “The Hot Years”
Dr. Simon wants to debunk the long-held belief that hormone therapy for women in the early menopausal years leads to breast cancer. During a recent interview, Dr. Simon made these comments: “Early use of hormone therapy…and by early I mean 50’s, is of overall benefit to women’s health in a variety of ways…If they are outside of the “window”, or late, they get mostly risk for being on estrogen only or hormone therapy. So women should take hormone therapy early, during their late 40’s, or as close to menopause as possible, to benefit the most and experience fewer risks.”
Kindly RSVP to rsvp@jamesasimonmd.com or call 202-262-6996. Space Limited.
Media Contact:
Women’s Health and Research Consultants
1850 M Street, NW, Suite 440
Washington, DC 20037
Office Phone (202) 293-1000 | Event Questions: (202) 262-6996
info@jamesasimonmd.com | www.jamesasimonmd.com