The Patent Pending “iFndr” Has Added A New Paradigm To Preventing Smartphone Theft
The best way to prevent Smartphone Theft is to not let it stray away. New invention turns a Smartphone into a high decibel alarm.
Brooklyn, New York, January 27, 2017, When somebody loses their Smartphone, they wish they could recover it. iPhones have an App that can locate the lost or stolen phone. The problem is that this could be hazardous to your health, as it was for one poor guy that found his iPhone and was then murdered. The team at Safety Direct llc had heard enough of those types of stories and decided to develop a solution. One that would be cost effective, easy to operate and reliable. Their new Patent Pending “iFndr” has received rave reviews and hasn’t even launched yet.
The “iFndr” consists of an App and a small ingenious device that attaches to the user’s keychain. What separates this anti-theft device from others is that it turns the Smartphone into a 100db Alarm by taking over the phone’s amplifier and speaker if it is taken a pre-determined distance from its owner. If this happens, the thief gets the surprise of his life when he is holding a 100db siren alarm in his hands attracting a massive amount of attention. Time to move on to better targets. This is the solution to Smartphone Theft because it is a better idea to not let the phone get away as opposed to going to retrieve it and maybe getting killed.
Safety Direct llc has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to bring this new product to the next level. Funds will be used for further prototype development, tooling for dies, and marketing. Imagine being part of a new product that can help save lives, besides saving the valuable data contained in today’s Smartphones. Sponsors will have a choice of some great perks. “iFndr” is tuned to work with iPhone iOS 6.0+ and Android 4.3+ with Bluetooth 4.0. “iFndr” supports Apple devices using iOS 7 and 8. iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, 5c, 5s, iPhone 6, 6 Plus and iPhone 7, iPad Air, iPad Mini, iPad 3rd Generation, iPad 4th Generation, and all Android phones running Android 4.3 or above. This is clearly the next generation of Smartphone Anti-Theft Devices.
Click here to visit the “iFndr” Kickstarter Campaign
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Safety Direct llc
Attn: Media Relations
1225 Ocean Parkway, Suite 1H,
Brooklyn 11230