Home » Business » Noted German Professor, Researcher & Lecturer – Dr. Georg Kraus – Discusses His Path To Success From Freelancer To A Multi-Million-Dollar Company

“We see change as a triangle of strategies, structure and culture with change in the middle. Change is the integration of all three aspects, all three aspects need to be in balance, otherwise change cannot be successful.”

Bruchsal, Germany, April 25, 2015, No doubt that Dr. Georg Kraus has left his mark in the academic areas of Change Management, Interpersonal Skills and “Leadership and Change”. He is a highly regarded Professor and Lecturer at many world renown Universities and Think Tanks. Dr. Kraus always had an entrepreneurial drive which has propelled him to where he is today…..CEO of an award winning change management consultancy. Recently, Dr. Kraus was interviewed, and made several comments about his path to great success.

Georg Kraus started as an in-house consultant at Daimler in Germany. Early he realized that he could not work in a fixed setting under permanent employment. He had too much entrepreneur’s blood and step by step became self-employed.

First he started taking on freelance jobs on the side, doing small project management projects. The PM assignments grew bigger and bigger. Till the projects reached a point where, especially in merges, he was managing complex change projects and the project management tools reached an end. Due to the fact that the projects were getting bigger and bigger he got more and more freelancers involved in his projects until he realized there was no common DNA between them and no common value proposition for the customers. That is why in the mid 90s he started to hire employees. Currently he has just over 100 employees.

When asked about challenges of the future? He said: “The development of change management. We live in an ever-faster world, which means after the change is before the change. Hence we need to look at faster methods like: Vuka, continuous improvement, agile.”

What worries you? He replied: “In an ever more complex world people are looking for simple answers and solutions, but unfortunately, they are not possible. And the confrontation with reality is difficult for many people triggers frustrations. Managing this is one of the biggest challenges of Change Management.”

How do you see the development of your company? Dr. Kraus said: “Till now we operate pretty Germany-centered, but we observe that our customers and projects are becoming more international. Our own change will be to master the internationalization of our company, opening up hubs around the world. We are already in France and Brazil but are still looking to find our position in the very important US market. In Germany, we can rightly claim that we are the biggest boutique consulting firm on the subject of change management. But the international development with the implications for our own development is still in front of us.”

Since the company was founded in 1987, K&P Management Consultants has experienced continual growth. During this time, they have experimented a lot, gained knowledge and experience, and reinvented themselves. Today they are respected globally as the consultants for change.

For complete information, please visit: K&P Management Consultants