Home » Business » Florida Patent Attorney John Rizvi, Esq., One of the First Attorneys in the Country to be “Board Certified” an Expert in Patent Law,Launches Animated Video Series Explaining the Complex Patent Process

The patent process can be very intimidating. These educational animated videos use entertainment to simplify the learning process.

Coral Springs, Florida, July 2, 2017, Patent law is widely regarded as one of the most complex and challenging areas of law. In fact, the Supreme Court has held that the specification and claims of a patent… constitute one of the most difficult legal instruments to draw with accuracy ….”(1)

In order to practice as a patent attorney, you have to have an engineering degree or other technical background and pass a rigorous test administered by the U.S. Patent Office. Patent attorneys are the NERDS of the legal profession.

Well, John Rizvi, one of the first patent attorneys in the country to be board certified as an expert in this specialized area of law, is out to simplify this arcane practice area. He has produced an animated cartoon video series simplifying the complex doctrines of patent law. Quick simple videos depicting patent attorney John Rizvi as a cartoon-like caricature clarify typical areas of confusion about the patent process.

The problem, of course, is that lawyers in general are a stuffy and conservative bunch and John Rizvi’s idea of putting a cartoon caricature of himself and animated videos about the patent process on his traditional law firm’s website was not enthusiastically received. “You want to put WHAT on our website?”, John recalls his law partner of 16 years exclaiming. So he decided to leave their law firm’s traditional website intact, and instead launched www.ThePatentProfessor.com, a leading platform for advising, educating, and helping inventors nationwide in understanding the patent process.

“Having been an Adjunct Professor of patent law at Nova Law School for the past 18 years, I’ve developed a unique teaching style that has allowed me to take the incredibly complex area of law surrounding patents and simplify it”, he continues, “I’ve taken what I have learned from teaching patent law over the past 18 years and put it into educational videos about the patent process on my YouTube Channel, https://www.youtube.com/c/thepatentprofessor, so that inventors and entrepreneurs can quickly learn about important aspects of patent law before they make critical mistakes that could cost them their rights to their idea”.

For additional information on the patent process: www.ThePatentProfessor.com

Media Contact:

The Patent Professor®
Attn: John Rizvi/Media Relations
11575 Heron Bay Blvd. • Suite 106A
Coral Springs, FL 33076

1. Topliff v. Topliff (1892).