“Zenome” About To Launch Token Pre-Sale – Seen As A Major Disruption To The Genetics Industry
The Zenome Platform is going to raise awareness on genomic medicine, so users can make conscious decisions regarding their data. This is ensured via individual ownership of personal genomic information.
Moscow, Russia, September 22, 2017, Scientists have known for quite some time of the importance of genetic research. After all, genes have a profound effect on one’s health and lifestyle. Recently, new discoveries have linked genetic factors to longevity, obesity, sports prowess, inclination to use drugs and other interesting traits. Very quickly, a person’s genomic data has gained a lot of value. New genetic services will emerge to make future well being more predictable and controllable. In other words, a person may have certain genes raising the risk of disease, but how these genes “express” themselves could be modified by lifestyle changes, nutrition, vitamins, exercise and medication.
DNA is an asset, and Zenome has created the platform for DNA marketing. Currently, the total market volume is approximately $25 billion. Some serious challenges for genomics still exist, concerning availability, privacy and ethics. Monopolization of genomic data inhibits further scientific progress.
The Zenome Platform is going to raise awareness on genomic medicine so users can make conscious decisions regarding their data. To ensure that, the platform is based on the following fundamental principles:
• Individual ownership of personal genomic information: The user has all the rights for personal genomic data.
• Freedom of choice: Users decide how genetic information should be used.
• The right to share: Users may grant access to genetic data to a third party, thus restricting data copying.
• Privacy: Encryption prohibits access to genetic data without an explicit user’s permission.
The Zenome platform is a P2P network built on the blockchain. Some nodes are resource providers that store and process genetic information. Participants, analysts and service providers connect to this decentralized distributed network and interact with each other. Data exchange is secured through encryption and utilization of blockchain smart contracts. The Zenome platform is powered by an Ethereum based utility token, the Zenome DNA Token (ZNA).
The Zenome Platform Main Participants:
• Resource Providers: Provide storage and CPU/GPU power for a reward.
• Participant: Uploads individual genetic data, gets reports and possibly uses genetic services.
• Analyst: Works with genetic information (a data scientist or a scientific organization).
• Service Provider: Implements a user-space genetic service (possibly paid) on the platform.
Industry insiders report that the Zenome model will be a game changer in the world of genetics and how data is handled. Their Token Pre-Sale is scheduled to begin 17 October 15:59 UTC, 2017, and has already received a massive amount of interest from both private and institutional investors worldwide. Substantial savings await early adopters. Their Whitepaper can be viewed here.
For complete information, please visit: https://zenome.io/
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Zenome Platform
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Moscow, Russia