Home » Business » Vesa Turpeinen Announces Launch of His Much Anticipated New Book – “Learn to Fly and Become a Pilot!” – First Book In His Pilot Career Series

Vesa’s new book aims to help with the Global Pilot Shortage as discussed in recent News. Ever dreamed of becoming a pilot, but don’t know how to get started? Becoming a pilot is not as difficult as one may think. Vesa answers all the questions about becoming a pilot in his groundbreaking new book.

Hangzhou, China, April 14, 2019, Many people have dreamed about learning to fly and becoming a Pilot. The prevailing thought is always that it is out of reach of most people by being too expensive and difficult to accomplish. A veteran commercial pilot, Vesa Turpeinen, has set out to make it easy for anybody to begin their journey to becoming a commercial aircraft pilot in his new book, “Learn to Fly and Become a Pilot!”. It has already garnered rave reviews and is an easy read chock full of vital information and resources.

Vesa is presently a corporate business jet pilot working in Hangzhou, China. He is originally from Finland but has lived abroad since 2000. Vesa spent about 7 years in the United States first learning to fly, then studying at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. He has been living and working in China since 2007.

During a recent interview, Vesa made these comments, “Right now is an excellent time to get started with a pilot’s career. And I will tell you why. There is a global shortage of pilots, which is predicted to last for at least the next two decades. If you start now, you could be working as a commercial pilot within a year. That means a pilot career might still be a good option for people in their 30s, 40s or even 50s.”

He goes on to say, “Of course, it’s better to get started at an early age if you can. You can get a student pilot certificate at the age of 16, a private pilot certificate at the age of 17, and start flying as a commercial pilot when you are only 18 years old! Any parents reading this may want to keep that in mind for their children.”

“Learn to Fly and Become a Pilot!”, as well as his upcoming series of books on becoming a pilot, is destined to become the standard reference to learning what it takes to become a successful commercial pilot.

This book explains the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly sides of becoming a professional pilot. It can be used as a Guide to Learn What It Takes to Earn Your Wings – and Make a Living Out of It!

Here are some of the Chapters in this book:

*  Why Become a Pilot?
*  The Downsides of a Career in Aviation
*  The Different Pilot Career Paths
*   Is Flying for You?
*   Pilot Certificates and Ratings
*   The Cost of Training and How to Finance It
*   Choosing a Flight School
*   Time to Get Started!

For a limited time, Vesa’s new book is available for a low promotional price here.

For more information about his upcoming Pilot Career Series and becoming a Professional Pilot, visit: https://funkypilot.com/

Media Contact:

The Funky Pilot
Attn: Vesa Turpeinen
Hangzhou, China
+(86)188 5828 1450