Elder American Experiencing Cross Generation Financial Elder Abuse – Banks & Mortgage Servicing Companies Victimized This Family Not Once, But Two Times and Continues Right Up To The Present Day
For over a decade, Steven Rosenberg has been fighting multiple Defendants to retain his Father’s home. He has taken on the largest of financial institutions with their unlimited legal and financial resources….and has scored some wins, but the battle rages on.
North Hills, California, May 3, 2019, The Mortgage Meltdown of 2008 resulted in some 7.8 Million Foreclosures. This was the result of unethical and illegal practices that were rampant throughout the Mortgage industry. It wasn’t bad enough that loans were given to people that obviously could not afford to pay them back. Documents were forged and properties were run through an endless legal chain so that it was difficult if not impossible to determine who the true owner was. In many cases the banks just abandoned the property to rot and become blights on the neighborhoods.
Particularly hard hit was the elder population. Elder Abuse is a non-partisan issue, anybody can be victimized. Caretakers drain their bank accounts, take out loans on their property and encumber their homes without their knowledge and steal others forms of property. Sometimes their elderly victims are physically abused as well. How can this happen in America? Is Elder Abuse a forgotten problem? Well, not to Steven Rosenberg.
Just imagine that your father is elderly and suffers with dementia and other medical problems. His caretaker is the Devil himself and his actions result in the banks and mortgage servicing companies attempting to get their dirty hands on his beloved home of 53 years. After the passing of your parent, this nightmare becomes your nightmare. This is what happened to Steven Rosenberg who has been fighting to keep his family home for over a decade.
In this David vs. Goliath Case, he has been fighting the top legal counsel of those mortgage institutions with his own resources and representing himself pro se in most cases. His health has suffered and landed him in the hospital due to the undue stress. Steven say that these big players were using offshore legal talent in many cases to save money, so he decided to follow their lead and flew to India and secured the help of well qualified legal counsel. In some cases, he has managed to prevail and can be viewed here, but the fight is not over.
During a recent interview, Steven made this comment, “Attorneys here don’t breathe unless you pay them.” How could two generations of a family be forced to fight to keep their family home after so much evidence was introduced that shows the fraud and malfeasance at play? That is the question and dilemma in this case. Interested parties can view the relevant case documents here.
Keep this in mind: If this can happen to two generations of a family, leading to financial ruin and ill health, it can certainly happen to you.
For complete information and to become part of the solution, visit: https://www.puttingelders1st.org
Media Contact:
Steven Rosenberg
Attn: Media Relations
North Hills, California