Home » Business » Cecilia Harvey – The Tech Entrepreneur Who Is Unafraid To Speak Up About “Queen Bee Syndrome”

It’s a phenomenon well-known to women in offices the world over. Scientists say they have proof that ‘Queen Bee syndrome’ really does exist. A study by researchers at Arizona University confirms women are meaner to each
other than they are to their male colleagues. The research found that female ‘Queen Bee’ employees who want to get to the top of  their profession tend to target other women who act dominant.

London, United Kingdom, May 14, 2019, Queen Bee Syndrome, when successful women sabotage female rivals, is rife says tech entrepreneur Cecilia Harvey – and pretending it doesn’t exist is only exacerbating the problem. Tech entrepreneur and former city worker Cecilia Harvey says QBS is a problem faced by many ambitious women. “Queen Bee Syndrome can be the biggest hindrance to women advancing in the workplace”.

According to Harvey’s own research of 100 female executives, published in an economics journal, most women have experienced bullying by other women. During a recent interview, Cecilia made these comments, “It adds a new layer of complexity to the old idea that it is sexist men who hold women back”. She went on to say, “If we want to have a situation where women are making greater strides in the workplace, women need to support other women.” This Times interview can be read here.

Growing up in an all-female household and a graduate of the all-female Wellesley College, Harvey is a big believer in women supporting women. This year she founded Tech Women Today www.techwomentoday.com, a networking organization to promote more women in the industry. TWT features Cecilia interviewing inspiring female tech executives and entrepreneurs. Be sure to stop by the Tech Women Today’s channel on YouTube.

About Cecilia Harvey:

As one of the small number of women in leadership in Financial Technology today, Cecilia is an advocate for not only women in FinTech, but also for those aspiring to leadership anywhere. Graduating from the prestigious all-female Wellesley College, her roles have included Citigroup COO Markets & Securities Services Technology and positions with Morgan Stanley, Barclays Capital and IBM Consulting. Her experience as a woman of color within the financial markets has inspired her to become an advocate and spokeswoman for not only women in FinTech, but for diversity and inclusion of anywhere. She is also the founder of the Tech Women Today platform.

For complete information on Tech Women Today, please visit: www.techwomentoday.com

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