Home » Business » Dave Chesnosky, Founder of RentingSF, Inc. – Shares Tips For Owners on Leasing Out Rental Property in San Francisco

Dave exposes some Tips to Owners / Managers on how to attract more quality renters to properties and some great incentives to use to help secure a lease. 

San Francisco, California, October 20, 2019, Vacant properties are not money makers. Overhead is always on the owners’ mind. Dave Chesnosky is very savvy about these matters and wants to make life easier when it comes to finding the best tenants by sharing some Tips he learned over his 16+ year career.

  • Allow People To Move In 30-Days From Lease Signing: Dave says, “I know this sounds crazy in San Francisco because anything on the market now is ready to move into now. People within SF move a lot, they need space, more bedrooms, less bedrooms, different area, closer to work, etc. If people know they can tour an apartment / condo / single family home and move-in 30 days out, that allows them to find a new place, THEN put in their 30-day Notice to Vacate. Allowing this will increase inquiries and tours. Most people won’t use the full 30 days even if you offer it, they will move in within 2 to 3 weeks which is standard in most cases.”
  • Offer Deposit Specials: For great credit, income and great references, on approval offer a ½ month deposit special or a dollar amount you are comfortable with that is lower than the standard 1 month deposit most landlords require. Proper screening and good management of a building should decrease the likelihood of someone causing serious damage to a rental unit at move out.
  • Pets Are The New Kids in San Francisco: Another great way to attract more people to  properties is to allow pets, cats and dogs. Dave commented, “I know this may not be a popular one for most owners, but it will help increase inquiries and tours of your available rentals. I took the CCRM class and the teacher of the class had a great line “there are no such things as bad pets only bad pet owners”, you screen people before renting to them and if they don’t meet your standards you decline them. If you screen and they have great credit, meet income requirements and have great landlord references, chances are they will be great tenants and great pet parents. I have managed buildings for over 16 years that are pet friendly and as long as you have a good manager to handle issues immediately, pets can by your BFF at a property.”
  • Offer Rent Incentives: Such as rent credits, ½ month free or 1 month free. These are great promotions to use for NON-Rent controlled apartments / condo’s or single-family homes. Be careful using this for Rent-Controlled apartments, if you want more information on why you should or shouldn’t offer rent credits email or call Dave.

Lastly, if you don’t want to waste time, hire an experienced Leasing Broker and watch as your properties are filled with tenants in no time. This can only be accomplished with the help of an experienced Broker such as Dave Chesnosky who has over 16 years of Leasing and Property Management experience and who was named the 2014 Leasing Agent of The Year by the SFAA. RentingSF, Inc. is powered by Compass brokerage.

For complete information, visit: https://westwardadvisory.com/davidchesnosky/

Media Contact:

Dave Chesnosky
Attn: Media Relations
891 Beach St.
San Francisco CA 94109