Home » Business » Ex-Wall Street Trader – Mark Shawzin – Fulfills Commitment To Repay The Community and Bestows Money To Charitable Organizations Derived From Marketing

Mark’s book, “The Freedom Traders Playbook” – is one of his best-selling books that he markets on his website. Every dollar that is brought in is matched and donated by Mark to the American Childhood Cancer Organization. Traders are
given the opportunity to pay what they think is fair and Mark then matches it.

Boca Raton, Florida, February 23, 2020, It’s easy to say that you will Give-Back-To-The- Community when you are successful. Many people make this declaration, but most don’t do. Such is not the case with Mark Shaw, an Ex-Wall Street Trader. Although he has had huge ups & downs, he is now at a place in life that he can enjoy his financial freedom and wants to share his secrets.

One day, he realized that this is an excellent time to repay the community for all it has done for him. Mark has been personally affected by Cancer and knows about the incredible work that is performed by the ACCO, so it was a no-brainer for him to choose this charity. He came-up with a brilliant approach to making donations. Each month, he sells one of his best-selling books online and every cent is equaled and donated.

This book is titled the ‘Freedom Traders Playbook’ and it explains Mark’s complete strategic approach. He shares real-life instances and takes the time to answer the most prevalent questions that are sent in from Members when they begin adopting his innovative techniques.

Traders are requested to pay what they think is fair for the book by donating, Mark then personally matches and contributes to the American Childhood Cancer Organization. Mark Shawzin is to be respected for keeping his word.

The American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) is one of the nation’s largest grassroots organizations at the forefront of the crucial battle against childhood cancer. They are dedicated to improving the lives of children living with childhood cancer or its long-term impacts, and to offering critical advice, support, and assistance to families engaged in this life-altering struggle.”

“Childhood cancer is the #1 disease-related cause of death for children in the United States and many other countries. For those who survive, two-thirds will also endure chronic health conditions from the toxic side effects of cancer treatment, including secondary cancers and other life-threatening illnesses. This is an incredibly worthy cause.”

Mark tells his eye-opening story in this YouTube Video.

Media Contact:

Mark Shawzin
Attn: Media Relations
2234 North Federal Hwy, Suite 1107
Boca Raton, FL 33433
+1 (561) 899-9974