Automators Consultancy Releases Course On Udemy Platform & Becomes First Tricentis Partner To Receive Badge Of Endorsement From Tricentis
After receiving praise directly from Tricentis over their first German language course released on Udemy, Automators is now poised to take over the test automation online learning industry. Their courses will cater towards multi-lingual online students.
Vienna, Austria – January 1, 2021, Automators has made national headlines this week after receiving the highly coveted badge of endorsement from Tricentis, becoming the first partner to receive such an endorsement from Tricentis. The badge of endorsement from Tricentis is for the outstanding course that they have released on the Udemy online learning platform. This new course, in German language, will show how great Tricentis Tosca is and how it can help automate software tests for programs, web apps and websites, all without having to have any programming skills.
“This means that the test process can be made simpler and more time-saving, as anyone who is interested has the opportunity to create their own and, above all, reusable tests. More tests in less time lead to higher test coverage and thus more certainty of finding as many defects as possible in the test object before it is sold or used,” said the company spokesperson. The course is translated into German to specifically cater to German speaking audiences, as there is currently a lack of online learning programs in the German language.
During a recent interview, Amin Chirazi, co-founder of Automators was quoted as saying, “We noticed when doing market research that there was a definite lack of information available in languages other than English. Instead of going to most travelled route and making another English language course, we decided to create it in German language, because we thought it is something that German speakers really need.” He went on to say, “We are proud to be the first Tricentis partner to receive the Tricentis badge of endorsement for our course on Udemy and look forward to serving multi-lingual learners for years to come.”
The Tricentis team was quoted as saying about their course, “The course looks exceptionally good in our opinion. Top production quality. Content is clear, follows best practices and gives a very good first overview. Congratulations!”
To learn more about or their new German language course on Udemy learning platform, visit their official website by following or simply clicking here.
Media Contact:
Automators GmbH
Saturn Tower
Leonard-Bernstein-Straße 10
1220 Wien, Austria
+43 1 393 00 50