Home » Education » Noted Author Kristin Larsen Releases His Latest Book – “Joy of Being: Daily Moments of Becoming Present”

Joy of Being, is a reflection journal workbook that gives guidance for helping others to understand and be present in their lives while seeing joy each day. 

Ontario, Canada, March 25, 2022, Every year thousands of books are published, yet only a select few are able to reach deep into the reader’s psyche and affect changes in their thinking and lives. Such is the case with Kristin Larsen’s latest book, Joy of Being: Daily Moments of Becoming Present. This is a book for the present times, which are full of stressful occurrences on a daily basis.

The Covid-19 Pandemic caused people all over the globe to become prisoners of their own homes, and then of their minds. Many people had to face losing loved ones to the virus. Couple this with the downturn on world economies as a result of businesses going out of business. People found themselves hiding behind masks and having to work from home thus losing the personal interaction with coworkers.

As if that was not enough, now the world must witness the war in Ukraine on social media and their televisions at home. It is no surprise that the suicide rate skyrocketed in the past 2 years. This is why Kristin’s new book, Joy of Being is such a blessing. Readers are helped to understand and work through their experiences to relieve stress. They learn to become unstuck, release their emotions, improve relationship with themselves, and learn to appreciate themselves.

Joy of Being shows readers how to take steps to being a leader inside themselves, be empowered, inspired, and motivated to take action on desired habit changes, and to establish a healthy mindset. Joy of Being is a reflection journal workbook that gives guidance for helping others to understand and be present in their lives while seeing joy each day.

This book explores a way of being in life – who readers are being each day, and how they are living in the present. Through actionable daily writing prompts and post-day reflections, readers can track their daily, weekly, and monthly progress through listing their intention for the day, what they see as their day’s biggest challenge, and addressing their day’s affirmation.

The workbook encourages accountability by including post-day prompts that review each day in order to learn what actions the reader was able to implement that day and to celebrate them, to have gratitude for their day, to identify the joy, and to apply forgiveness, among others.

During a recent interview, Kristin made these comments, “The Daily Quotes in the book are my original thought creations. They have been expressed through past learning experiences, courses, training, and shared international thought leader wisdom. The intention behind the Daily Quotes is to inspire, motivate and offer a new perspective of how life is being perceived and interpreted which could create an unseen choice, open up possibilities or bring hope to start the day.”

About The Author:

Kristin Larsen is a transformational health coach who coaches in the area of heart centered living and inner leadership. His new release, Joy of Being, is a reflection journal workbook that gives guidance for helping others to understand and be present in their lives while seeing joy each day. The meaning of his title explores Larsen’s approach to a way of being in life—who we are being each day, and how we are living in the present.

For complete information, visit:  https://kristinsvenlarsen.com/

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