Home » Health » Addiction Rehab Centers Rolls-Out Educational Series – The Link Between Trauma and Addiction Is Explained

There is a significant connection between trauma and addiction, meaning that trauma as a child can lead the adult to abuse drugs and alcohol. 

Indianapolis, Indiana, April 12, 2022, There is no denying that childhood trauma, which can take many forms, is a causative factor of adult addictive behavior. It doesn’t have to be that way thanks to places like Addiction Rehab Centers of Indiana.

Children who have encountered trauma have been shown to develop certain changes in their brains. The development of the brain gets altered and is distorted in abusive and hostile environments. Experts suggest that addiction can be an unconscious attempt by the brain to abscond from the pain of trauma. Children may adopt harmful behaviors and adapt to a negative environment as readily as they may adopt a positive one.

Trauma during childhood can be in various forms, such as:

  • Sexual, Emotional, or Physical Abuse.
  • Loss of Loved Ones.
  • Bullying
  • Accidents
  • Family Separation.
  • Abandonment
  • Natural disaster.

All these forms of trauma alter the children’s stress mechanisms. Consequently, they become more sensitive to stress throughout their adult life. In the long term, stress has been shown to change the shape, size, and frequency of connections inside the brain. As a result, such children are more prone to develop depression and anxiety. They may also be more susceptible to drug abuse and addiction.

How To Spot Childhood Trauma:

In order to spot childhood trauma, one needs to identify what can be considered traumatic events for children. These are experiences that cause a child to feel extremely vulnerable, shocked, or terrified. They may think that the situation is life-threatening, whether perceived or real. They also need to acknowledge that different people respond differently to any traumatic event.

Signs of possible trauma that need to be noted include:

  • Notice personality shifts.
  • Notice how easily a child becomes upset or irritated.
  • Watch for regression.
  • Significant changes in sleep and eating habits.
  • Unreasonable fear, anger, and rage.
  • Look for signs of passivity and compliance.
  • Notice if the child keeps inquiring if the event will reoccur.
  • Observe if the child fears certain places.
  • Watch for anxiety, depression, and thoughts of suicide or self-harm.
  • Notice fears that they report.

If one or more of these symptoms is noticed in oneself or in someone loved, it is vital to seek treatment as soon as possible.

The team at Addiction Rehab Centers understands the challenges people face as they begin the journey to recovery. They want to help them on that journey. To that end, they offer a wide range of therapeutic modalities that can help them to understand their trauma and addiction.

For instance, our therapeutic options include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Trauma therapy
  • Biofeedback therapy
  • Experiential therapy

Their treatment approach is based on love, compassion and understanding rather than lack of acceptance and tough love. Tough love, a technique used by many addiction rehab treatment centers may appear to be useful initially but can be more harmful in the long run leading the patient to a dangerous relapse later on. On the other hand, understanding and compassion can help the patient develop a will to recover and a sense of self-love thus ensuring an outpatient/inpatient addiction treatment, in Indianapolis, that can last a lifetime.

This is the first in a series of educational articles to be launched by Addiction Rehab Centers. In 2022 they will be opening a second facility, a new luxury Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center, in Mooresville, Indiana.  The facility sits on 15 acres and is a completely renovated mansion. The addiction treatment center boasts a swimming pool, indoor sauna, tennis court and a multitude of other amenities.

For additional information, visit:  https://www.addictionrehabcenters.com/

Media Contact:

Addiction Rehab Centers
Attn: Media Relations
7322 Noel Road
Indianapolis, IN