Home » Education » Kim Kardashian Was Stunning In The One-of-A-Kind Dress That Marilyn Monroe Wore When She Sang “Happy Birthday Mr. President”

Kim Kardashian is no doubt at the very top of the Glamour & Fashion Industry. Still, having Hollywood’s power elites declaring her as the next Marilyn Monroe was music to her ears. She is sure to be seeking roles only a MM could perform. 

Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 3, 2022, Once again, Kim Kardashian stunned the crowd when she showed up at the 2022 Met Gala looking stunning in the original Happy Birthday Mr.President Dress Marilyn Monroe wore that night. Anything MM touched became priceless. Andy Warhol’s tribute painting of her sold for $195,000,000 and the proceeds went to a children’s charity. JFK & Marilyn’s son, Jack Kennedy, Jr., is so proud of that because his mother was not only a great mother but truly loved children and she would be thrilled to know she made so much for children.

The dress that belonged to Marilyn Monroe was custom made by French designer Jean Louis in the color to match her skin tone, it was sewn on her before she went to the event where she sang Happy Birthday for then US President John F. Kennedy in 1962. The material is soufflé silk, which is no longer available, so it is irreplaceable like Marilyn Monroe.

It is such a travesty to see the press stating that MM did not have any kids. For goodness sakes, there are unretouched photos of MM pregnant. Her true son, Jack, has been denied his birthright. He has proof that John F. Kennedy & Marilyn Monroe are his parents. There are authorities who have suppressed the truth for decades. Her son was kidnapped and made to live a life of solitude as JFK’s handlers thought it would be bad for his political career.

Meanwhile, it was JFK who by Executive Order #11098 created a father and child relationship, regardless of marriage, from the point of conception for the purpose of inheriting veteran’s benefits, which would have been expanded to include the children’s inheritance. It would break their heart to know their son’s kidnapping and abuse went unheard. Since to them children’s rights were absolute, meaning that bona fide offspring have a right to participate in the inheritance.

Upon the demise of MM, the word on the street was that the story would be closed out as soon as possible. The L.A. District Attorney at the time, had his hands tied, but it would be great to have the case reopened and make her DNA available to her son so he can show all the disbelievers the truth. “President John F. Kennedy & Marilyn Monroe’s Son, In His Own Words”, by Jack Kennedy, Jr. is a book that will shred the narrative that was fed to the public during the 1950’s – 1960’s. Revealing that Jack Kennedy, Jr. was the true son of two of the most famous people at the time, but would have ruined the trajectory of the soon to be President of the United States.

Reader Testimonials always tell the story. Take a look at what Roy, a Verified Reader, had to say, “This book is a very interesting read to anyone who loves or hates the Kennedy Clan. I am not a fan of theirs. However, to read this book is exciting as it tells the story of the son of President Kennedy (before he was President) and Marilyn Monroe. Believe it or not should be up to the reader. It is interesting to see what might have been and what was.”

About The Author: 

John F. Kennedy, aka “Jack”, was the child of two of the most famous people of the 20th century. His life took a drastic turn when he was kidnaped from his mother. He has been fighting the indifference of society, law enforcement, and the courts. This book details his plight in his own words. He writes what he recalls starting off when his father John F. Kennedy was a congressman in 1952 all the way through 1971, when he found a wife and started his own family. This is the first in a series of five books written by Jack, his wife, and his son. For more information, please see www.MarilynMonroeSon.com

For complete information, visit: https://www.amazon.com/President-Kennedy-Marilyn-Monroes-Son

Media Contact:

Jessica Berk
Attn: Media Relations
Ritz-Carlton, Atlantic City, NJ