Home » Lifestyle » Ashley Madison’s Hack Reveals 39 Million Cheaters – Tim Patten’s New Book – “Why I Cheat” Explains Why Marriage Is A Failure

Tim Patten’s controversial book “Why I Cheat: Men, Marriage, and Cheating” reflects modern society. The book is intended as education for men about the toxic nature of marriage. It is not as much about cheating as it is about the failure of the ideology of traditional marriage.

San Francisco, California, September 1, 2015, The recent hacking of Ashley Madison’s website revealed over 39-million member names. Maybe not all members are actual cheaters, it will never be known, but it is an indication of the failure of the institution of marriage. Many people have tried to come-up with a logical explanation of why so many marriages, at least 50%, result in divorce. Tim Patten has released his new book, “Why I Cheat: Men, Marriage, and Cheating”, in an attempt to add some clarity to the subject.

This is a compilation of several men’s stories on how they liberated themselves from the rigid constraints of societal standards; an enduring collective of “coming of age” campfire stories meant mainly for male ears. “Why I Cheat” is a collection of 11 real-life couples’ stories and how they traveled down unique pathways to achieve their desired career and relationship goals.

The book also lists over 400 reasons or obstacles men should consider before getting married, called the hook-up guide for men.

• Avoid complex traps of bad dates and marriage

• Understand how monogamy stifles altruism and creativity

• Enjoy a passionate occupation, helping yourself and others, and

• Embrace your inner nature and sex drive.

During a recent press conference, Tim made these comments, “Through this book, I want to speak up for men everywhere. Men do not have a women’s studies or a large political movement that educated men about violence, jealousy, power and marital ownership. So we use books and social media. Whether you’re seeking to liberate yourself from abuse, build societies new inventions, cope with jealousy, or just start having fun again, you can find a path that leads to freedom and victory in Why I Cheat.” Tim goes on to say, “Men, it’s time to fight back and to reclaim your independence. Freedom is here. This self-help guide contains life lessons and instructions for empowering yourself, escaping oppression by marriage, and enjoying more sex.”

“Why I Cheat” has created quite a buzz on the Men’s Forums and Blogs. Reader Testimonials have attested to why this 375-page book is hard to put down. It has become a must read for all men either married or unmarried. Take a look at what Marcus Brown, a verified reviewer on Amazon.com, had to say, “The stories in this book are written in such detail, and gives clear examples of the dynamics and turning points of relationships when women become controlling, violent, deceptive and selfish. After completing the book, the reader will have a clear understanding as to how men can slowly and subtly experience stress, heartache, loss of identity and self-worth while in harmful relationships with toxic women.”

For complete information, please visit: Why I Cheat: Men, Marriage, and Cheating

Media Contact:

Tim Patten
Attn: Media Relations
San Francisco, CA
+1 (415) 431-6802

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