Home » Education » As The World Faces The COVID-19 Pandemic – Ashok Gupta is Fighting Covid-19 by Offering A Free Online Program To Help Boost The Immune System – Based On The Latest Science and 20-Years of Research

Most of the tools in this immune boosting challenge have been scientifically shown to decrease people’s chances of getting a virus from 50 to 80%. Thousands have already taken the pledge to take on The Coronavirus 10-Day Challenge to reduce their chances of getting an infection from the virus, or reduce their symptoms in order to relieve the burden on overtaxed health care systems across the globe, and hopefully save more lives. 

London, United Kingdom, March 29, 2020, The COVID-19 Pandemic is spreading like wildfire and along with it, is the anxiety it is producing. The global population feels helpless in light of the fact that there is not yet a cure. Right now, social isolation and hygiene have been the only recommendations by officials, leaving people feeling helpless and more isolated than ever. However, there is more that people can do right in their very homes to boost their immune systems, and reduce the risk of spreading infection, and it can make all the difference.

Oscar Nominee Naomie Harris, the ‘Bond Girl’, is taking the Coronavirus Challenge. She has this to say, “I’ve taken the pledge and have been following Ashok’s Coronavirus Challenge and I’ve learned so much about how we can all boost our immune systems against the virus, it’s great! I’ve been sharing it with everyone I know.”
(Oscar Nominee Naomie Harris: Skyfall, Spectre, Pirates of the Caribbean, Moonlight, Black and Blue.)

During a recent interview, Ashok Gupta, founder of The Gupta Program, made these comments,  “When I saw that the only option people have right now to respond to this pandemic is social distancing, I knew that there is more that we could do to help reduce the devastating effects on families, communities and countries by taking charge of our health. This is the time to come together and do what we can during this time of international crisis.” 

He goes on to say, “I wanted to make these tools free and accessible to everyone. I have seen these techniques create phenomenal changes in thousands of lives over the last 20 years, so I believe that as we each do our part to make a difference, amazing things can happen. My heart goes out to all of us in this time of need. We are not completely helpless, or alone.”

It has long been a scientific fact that a strong immune system is the best defense against viral pathogens. This is especially true for the elderly and people with underlying health issues. Ashok Gupta MA(Cantab), MSc, an internationally renowned Speaker, Filmmaker & Health Practitioner has developed “The Coronavirus Challenge” and uses the Gupta MEND Protocol, a research program born out of the Gupta Program treatments for patients with chronic conditions. He has also been interviewed on CNN, BBC, The Guardian, ITV, and The Independent as an expert on stress.

Some of the tools in this program have been scientifically shown to reduce the chances of contracting an infection from a virus by 50% and even 80%. All of the aspects of the program are backed up by published research studies, which are listed under the videos.

The Coronavirus Challenge Program is:

  • Daily Short Videos: Hosted by Ashok Gupta, a chronic illness expert with easy to follow opportunities to boost your immunity.
  • The Gupta MEND Protocol: Mind, Exercise, Night-Time Routine & Sleep, & Diet- which explain exactly what people need to know right now to boost their immune system against COVID-19.
  • Online Meditations and Mind Exercises: 10 & 20 minute meditations and other exercises to help calm the nervous system, ease anxiety and help people feel more centered during this time of turmoil and confusion. Stress reduces immunity, so helping people emotionally through this crisis is key.
  • Action Steps: The latest scientific research & clinical studies broken down into easy to understand, concise action steps. Supported by the actual studies and scientific articles easily accessible on the website.
  • Community: A way to overcome isolation during social distancing and shelter in place protocols through a positive & supportive Facebook forum dedicated to health, celebrating success and building community.
  • Completely Free: Completely free, no hidden costs or upsells.

Ashok and his team urge everyone to take responsibility for your health and take the pledge now, thereby doing something not only for themselves, but for their families and the world at this unprecedented time.

Please visit  “The Coronavirus Challenge” at: https://www.thecoronaviruschallenge.com/

Media Contact:
Ashok Gupta
Attn: Media Relations
London, UK
+44 7714 708832