Past Successful Wall Street Trader Mark Shawzin Devises Plan To Use Funds From Book Sales To Donate To Charity
Mark is ecstatic that his plan to double the sales of his new book is going to help Kids with Cancer in a big way. Funds will be donated to the American Childhood Cancer Organization.
Boca Raton, Florida, July 6, 2020, As people try to emerge after going through the COVID-19 Pandemic, there is a lot of casualties. The “Lockdowns” have caused more damage than the virus itself. Some people have lost everything: their businesses, their vehicles, their homes, their savings, their families, and their portfolios. Society should not forget about those most in need that cannot help themselves.
A prime example of this would be Kids With Cancer. All of the charities are struggling to get donations as the global economy shifts into low gear. Who will help the kids? Clearly, it will take many people like Mark Shawzin to step up to the plate. Every day is a struggle for Children With Cancer, and a lack of funds should not be acceptable to anybody.
Mark devised his own solution that would help people to invest intelligently while also helping his favorite charity – “The American Childhood Cancer Organization”. His new book is a top seller on his web platform and he is letting people pay what they feel is fair and he will not only match, but double, whatever traders pay. They can pay what they want. This is Mark’s way of giving back to the community. Mark has been personally affected by Cancer and knows about the incredible work that is performed by The American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO), so it was a no-brainer for him to choose this charity.
Mark’s book is called the “The Scientific Trading Formula”, it elaborates on Mark Shawzin’s total strategy. Mark reveals real-life examples and invests his time to respond to the most common questions as they are sent in from Members adopting his ground-breaking techniques.
“The American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO) is one of the nation’s largest grassroots organizations at the forefront of the crucial battle against childhood cancer. They are dedicated to improving the lives of children living with childhood cancer or its long-term impacts, and to offering critical advice, support, and assistance to families engaged in this life-altering struggle.”
“Childhood cancer is the #1 disease-related cause of death for children in the United States and many other countries. For those who survive, two-thirds will also endure chronic health conditions from the toxic side effects of cancer treatment, including secondary cancers and other life-threatening illnesses. This is an incredibly worthy cause.”
Mark tells his eye-opening story in this YouTube Video.
Media Contact:
Mark Shawzin
Attn: Media Relations
2234 North Federal Hwy, Suite 1107
Boca Raton, FL 33433
+1 (561) 899-9974