Home » Business » The History of LinkedIn by “Companies Talks” – Its History, Vision and The Business Model

“Companies Talks” extends an open invitation to its next event on the history of Linkedin and how its founder, Reid Hoffman, turned it into the largest social networking platform for businesses boasting over 500 million members. This professional presentation features: Actor: Giulio Cavazzini – Sax: Andrea Fusacchia – Director: Tiziana Sensi – Script: Tiziana Ragni

Rome, Italy, April 13, 2021, Part of the fallout from the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic is isolation, both personal and professionally speaking. It is important to keep one’s mind stimulated and provide content that will raise the spirit. Most people find it very intriguing to learn how some of the largest web properties came about. Did some of them really start on a kitchen table?

“Companies Talks” has rolled-out a series of insight videos on some of the not only largest firms on the Internet, but also on the planet. Their Linkedin Presentation is scheduled for April 15. See link below.


Their “Educational Diet” series feature live monologues on the themes of major Web projects, with the exception of the History of Olivetti which is very valuable even if it is not related to the world of dot-com companies.

“Companies Talks” brings the histories of Google, Facebook, Amazon, Airbnb, Netflix, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Kickstarter, and Olivetti to managers, public and private. Just what the Doctor ordered for prolonged periods of professional isolation.

The monologues are performed by professional actors and have the aim of recounting the birth and development of major web projects in a simple way. Musical accompaniment to the live performances is provided by a violin, saxophone, or trumpet.

Within each story, a soft skill was identified from those described as fundamental by the World Economic Forum in its study called The Future of Jobs. So, for example, in the history of Google, they speak of Critical Thinking, for Facebook they talk about People Management and so on. For each theme, therefore, there is a dedicated soft skill.

The representation of the difficulties encountered by the founders during the initial development of their projects makes the spectator feel closer to the protagonists, who appear less heroic and more human. From listening to all the stories, a strong message emerges that applies to all: Tenacity is needed to achieve one’s goals.

During a recent interview, a company spokesperson made these comments, “In this delicate period, each of us made ourselves available with enthusiasm, in the belief that we could contribute, even in a small way, to overcoming the difficult phase we are experiencing. This too, in its own way, is a testimony to the fact that, together, we can make it.”

For complete information, visit: https://www.companiestalks.com

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Companies Talks
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Rome, Italy